Breath Of Fire IV Guide

by DEH Designs

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Found by Nina in a crater after a mysterious phenomenon in the outskirts of Sarai. They travel together around the world to recovery the memories of his past and where he comes from.

He acquires powerful dragon abilities as he grows stronger, plus his well-balanced attributes make him an invaluable asset to his allies in any situation.


Meditate 0 Transform into Dragon None Location
Rainstorm 0 Holy attacks; Damage changes w/ enemies HP (All Targets) Breath Location
Mud Flow 0 Water/Earth attacks (All Targets) Breath Location
Healing Wind 0 Heals and Restores party Breath Location
Holy Circle 0 Protects fron rank against attacks for 1 turn Breath Location
Onslaught 0 Wind attack; confuses enemy (All Targets) Breath Location
Flood Tide 0 Wind/Water breath attack; stuns enemies (All Targets) Breath Location
Fulguration 0 Deals Damage based on HP Breath Location


Princess of Wyndia, respectable kingdom of winged men and women. After the mysterious dissapearance of her sister during a tour of the western cities, she set on a journey alongside Cray on an effort to find her lost sister.

Though she's a bit fragile, her magic qualities makes her a fearful mage.


Heal 5 Light Healing Spell (1 Target) Holy Lv 1
Purify 3 Cures Poison (1 Target) Holy Lv 1
Sever 3 Lvl 1 Wind Magic (1 Target) Wind Lv 1
Barrier 4 Magic Damage halved (3 Turns) LV UP Lv 8
Rejuvenate 9 Medium Healing (1 Target) Holy Lv 11
Cyclone 6 Lvl 2 Wind Magic (All Enemies) Wind Lv 14
Raise Dead 18 Revives an ally w/ 1/4 HP but can fail Holy Lv 17
Remedy 6 Restores status (1 Target) Holy Lv 20
Vitalize 20 Light Healing (All targets) Holy Lv 23
Inspire 2 Raises WIS +20% (1 Target) ST UP Lv 26
Typhoon 12 Lvl 3 Magic (All Targets) Wind Lv 29
Kyrie 9 Instant KO vs Undead (1 Target) Holy Lv 31
Restore 18 Strong Healing Spell (1 Target) Holy Lv 34
Resurrect 30 Revives an ally with full HP Holy Lv 36
Vigor 50 Strong Healing Magic (All Allies) Holy Lv 39


Left Worent to join Nina in her search for her sister, Princess Elena. Though he's Worrent's Chief, that did not stop him from setting off in search of someone he cares about.

As a Worent, his physical combat abilities are beyond compare. Additionaly, his affinity to Earth elements and support spells make him even a bigger threat to his enemies.


Protect 2 Raises DEF +20% (1 Target) ST Up Lv 2
Speed 2 Raises AGI +50% (1 Target) ST Up Lv 5
Rock Blast 4 Lvl 1 Earth Magic (1 Target) Earth Lv 8
Slow 1 Lowers AGI -50% (1 Target) ST Dn Lv 11
Blunt 1 Lowers STR -20% (1 Target) ST Dn Lv 14
Stone Pillar 5 Lvl 2 Earth Magic (All Enemies) Earth Lv 17
Might 3 Raises STR +20% (1 Target) ST Up Lv 21
Shield 6 Raises DEF +20% (1 Target) ST Up Lv 25
Quake 12 Lvl 3 Earth Magic (All targets) Earth Lv 30


Part of a group of traveling Hex Purifiers. The details of her past are unknown and although she's a bit strange, she's very caring and thoughtful.. In her own way.

Combines attacks with her launchable rocket fists and powerful magic.. Seems to have locked hidden powers...


Risky Shot 0 Critical Hit.. If it hits (1 Target) Physical Lv 2
Wild Shot 0 Can do Damage x2 (1 Target) Physical Lv 7
Stand Out 0 Attracts all enemy attacks (Self) None Lv 13
Death 1 Instant KO (1 Target) Death Lv 15
Blizzard 1 Lvl 3 Magic (All Targets) Ice Lv 19
Quake 5 Lvl 3 Magic (All Targets) Earth Lv 25
Inferno 3 Lvl 3 Magic (All Targets) Fire Lv 28
Typhoon 6 Lvl 3 Magic (All Targets) Wind Lv 35
Primus 12 Lvl 3 Earth Magic (All targets) Breath Lv 45


A highly skilled sword for hire. He's only loyal to money.. However, that changes when he stumbles upon Ryu and his friends through the acts of fate.

With swordplay beyond compare and very powerful spells, he is a serious force to be reckoned with. He will not let up until his final breath.


Frost 3 Lvl 1 Magic (1 Target) Water Lv 2
Sleep 3 Sleeps all targets ST Chg Lv 2
ShiningBlade 10 Critical hit; always hits (1 Target) Melee Lv 5
Heal 5 Light healing (1 Target) Holy Lv 8
Purify 3 Cures poison (1 Target) Holy Lv 10
Confuse 2 Confuses one target ST Chg Lv 13
Ice Blast 5 Lvl 2 Magic (1 Target) Water Lv 16
Rejuvenate 9 Medium healing (1 Target) Holy Lv 19
Raise Dead 18 Revives an ally w/ 1/4 HP but can fail Holy Lv 22
Remedy 6 Restores status (1 Target) Holy Lv 25
Blizzard 18 Lvl 3 Magic (All Targets) Water Lv 28
Vitalize 18 Light healing (All Targets) Holy Lv 31
LifeStealer 18 Kills enemy, but user's HP -10% (1 Target) Death Lv 34
Restore 18 Strong healing (1 Target) Holy Lv 37


High-ranking officer and granddaughter of the Fou Imperial Army General. She is charged with capturing Ryu and taking him back to the empire.

Unique weaponry and unwavering devotion make Ursula a fearing and skillfull adversary for any one who dares to oppose her.


Flare 3 Lvl 1 Magic (1 Target) Fire Lv 2
Fireblast 6 Lvl 2 Magic (All Targets) Fire Lv 2
Confuse 2 Confuses one target ST Chg Lv 5
Weaken 1 Lowers DEF -20% (1 Target) ST Dn Lv 8
Rock Blast 4 Lvl 1 Magic (All Targets) Earth Lv 11
Silence 3 Mutes all targets ST Chg Lv 15
Cyclone 6 Lvl 2 Magic (1 Target) Wind Lv 21
Enfeeble 1 Lowers WIS -20% (1 Target) ST Dn Lv 24
Drain 18 Drains HP (1 Target) Death Lv 27
Leech Power 6 Drains AP (1 Target) Death Lv 28
Inferno 18 Lvl 3 Magic (All Targets) Fire Lv 31
Death 18 Instant KO (1 Target) Death Lv 35